- 10 enero, 2024
- Posted by: Armando Nuricumbo
- Categoría: Global, Medio Oriente
The Israel-Hamas conflict is a long-standing and complex conflict. The conflict has its roots in the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It involves disputes over territory, identity, and self-determination.
Hamas, an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (Islamic Resistance Movement), was founded in 1987 during the First Intifada (Palestinian uprising) against Israeli rule in the occupied territories. Hamas is an Islamist political and militant organization. The conflict primarily revolves around the Gaza Strip, a small Palestinian territory on the Mediterranean coast, and other disputed territories in the West Bank. Both sides have historical and territorial claims to these areas.
Over the years, the conflict has involved cycles of violence, including armed clashes, suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and military operations. Israel has imposed a blockade on Gaza since 2007, which has had significant humanitarian implications. Numerous attempts have been made to negotiate a peaceful resolution, including the Oslo Accords, the Camp David Summit, and the Annapolis Conference. However, a lasting solution has been elusive, and the conflict continues to simmer.
The Israel-Hamas conflict has drawn significant international attention and has been the subject of numerous United Nations resolutions and diplomatic initiatives. Various countries and international organizations have been involved in mediation efforts. The conflict has had a devastating impact on the civilian population, particularly in Gaza, where there have been multiple military conflicts resulting in significant casualties and damage to infrastructure.
One possible solution to this conflict could be the creation of a confederation. A confederation is a permanent union of different sovereign states through governmental bodies to achieve defined purposes. The most known examples of this are Switzerland and the European Union. The same could apply for a Jewish and a Palestinian state.
In this confederation, both Israel and Palestine would be able to retain their sovereignty, their ability to police their territories, and exercise religion in the way they prefer the most. A few conditions would have to be met in order to consider a real solution:
- First, Hamas wants openly to eradicate Israel and kill all the Jews in the region, so they would have to be totally defeated in Gaza.
- Second, Netanyahu must resign after the war, not only because of the mistakes that made possible the invasion and massacres of October 7, but also because of his unwillingness to recognize a Palestinian state, so a new government that would be ready to do so would have to be formed.
- In the Israel-Palestine confederation, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will be in charge of the military (air, naval and ground troops). That should also mean that the atomic bombs that Israel already has, but refuses to acknowledge, should be publicly displayed.
- The confederation would have three states: Gaza, West Bank and Israel. Also, a federal district administered by a joint cabinet would be created that will include all of Jerusalem. This federal district would ensure that the access to the holy sites is granted, and no state can claim Jerusalem as their exclusive capital.
- Besides the military, the confederation will manage the equal distribution of water and electricity, as well as interstate roads.
- The three states would be bound by an economic union and ultimately freedom of movement.
- Each state would be ruled by its own laws. If Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) wants to have sharia law, Jewish settlers must respect those laws. If Israel wants to keep its Jewish identity and give Jews from any place of the world priority to relocate into the country, Muslim Arabs must respect that.
- A land swap will need to happen. Israel will annex contiguous territories in the West Bank with a clear majority of Jewish settlers (250,000 in total), whereas the rest (575,000) will become Palestinian citizens while keeping Israeli nationality. On the other hand, Israel will cede areas next to Gaza and the West Bank that have or could have a significant Muslim/Arab population.
- The Muslim Arabs and their closest descendants that were expelled from Israel in the 1948 war would be offered to return to Israel and the possibility to have Israeli citizenship. But before that, they must clear a security test to make sure they do not pose a threat to the Jewish state.
- Jews make 73% of the population in Israel (7.3 million of 9.7), 700,000 Jewish settlers live in colonies in the West Bank, and zero Jews are present in Gaza. Arab Muslims account for 20% of the population in Israel (1.95 million). In the West Bank there are 2.7 million and in Gaza the population is 2.3 million.
- Each state will be in charge of its own tax and welfare system but freedom of labor movement will be allowed, at least following a meritocratic point system like in Australia, that is adjusted to the demand in the different sectors of the economy.
- Israel has never started any of the eight wars fought against the Arab nations and has clearly won almost all of them. So Israel will keep the Golan Heights.
This Israel-Palestine confederation legislation would require a qualified majority (around 60%) of both the Israeli and the Palestinian representatives to vote in favor of the legislation. Moreover, both the Israeli and Palestinian governments would maintain their veto power; if a proposal is very popular in the confederation, but an extremist government wants to block it, this will affect its legitimacy in the next elections.
The confederation is not a one-state solution, it is a third government designed to enhance the lives of the Palestinians and the Israelis by achieving security, justice, economic development and national identity.
Israel will still be a Jewish majority state with much better security guarantees, and Palestinians will finally get their much demanded state. This conflict has resulted in the loss of countless lives, displacement of communities, and immense suffering for both Israelis and Palestinians, particularly in Gaza. Finding a solution would alleviate human suffering and improve the lives of people in the region.
The ongoing conflict contributes to instability in the Middle East, which can have ripple effects throughout the region. Reducing tensions and achieving a peaceful resolution could help stabilize the region. The Israel-Hamas conflict is closely watched by the international community. Escalations in the conflict can have broader implications for global security, potentially triggering unrest and conflicts in other parts of the world.
Resolving the conflict would improve diplomatic relations between Israel and its neighbors, as well as with the wider Arab and Muslim world. It could also have positive effects on Israel’s relations with Western countries.
Peace can pave the way for economic development in the region, benefiting both Israelis and Palestinians. Improved stability would attract investment and promote economic growth. A resolution could lead to improved human rights conditions for Palestinians and Israelis alike, addressing issues related to freedom of movement, access to basic services, and the right to self-determination.
A comprehensive peace agreement would ideally address the underlying causes of the conflict, reducing the likelihood of future violence and providing a more secure and prosperous future for generations to come. Most of the world believe that finding a just and lasting solution to the Israel-Hamas conflict is a moral and ethical imperative, rooted in principles of justice, equality, and human rights.